Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mystery History -- Solved

A lot of great guesses but I stumped everyone this time!

In the photo above, people flock to a helicopter that has landed in front of Pasadena City Hall on July 8, 1946.

This was during the first week of an experimental program by which airmail flown by plane from all over the world to the Los Angeles Municipal Airport would be delivered by helicopter to several cities throughout L.A. County, including Pasadena, Pomona, Santa Monica and Long Beach.

Intended to save time, the L.A. County program was the first of its kind in the nation.

Pasadena Star-News -- July 4, 1946:
Owing to the holiday and final adjustments to the required equipment, the inauguration of helicopter mail service in and out of Pasadena has been postponed from Saturday to Monday, when service is expected to go into effect sometime in the early afternoon.

Particulars regarding address and rates may be obtained by calling the information clerk at the main post office.
Here's an envelope from 1948, flown by helicopter to Los Angeles Municipal Airport and then on to Cleveland.

Many thanks to Pasadena Museum of History and Pasadena Public Library.


kevin at Time River Productions said...

That is pretty interesting, and that envelope cover you showed with the helicopter stamp is really cool.

Unknown said...

They realy flew mail in by helicopter? I was kidding thinking it had something to do the the post office. Too funny!

Cafe Pasadena said...

I'm glad I didn't give an answer.
I was gonna say it was a B&W of you, Ann, being dropped of at work from the airport, after returning from your latest travels.

Petrea Burchard said...

I like being stumped because I get to learn something cool.

Come Fly With Me said...

So, if my Aunt Lou in Chicago mailed me an air-mail letter I'd have to wait until Monday at 3:00 to pick it up? When did she mail it? What is the turn around time on that parcel?

I've called the information clerk at the main post office several times. All they do is transfer me to someone at Terminal Annex. Good heavens, they don't call it terminal for nothing.


Your neighbor from Oakland and Madison ///mllegramophone

Anonymous said...

Mlle. Gramophone -- Snail mail with rotors.